Frequently Asked Questions:
How is income generated if I don't make sales?
Sales are the ultimate goal, however it will be up to our professional sales team to make contact with interested clients, you are only required to collect leads. Every sale that is made from a lead generated by your display, will earn you commission for the duration of your involvement with Goldstar RV. In addition to this, you will be rewarded for every unique lead that you generate.
What is a lead?
Purchases come from all ages, be it young families with children to retired couples, and just about anything in between. We feel that anyone that enters the van and shows interest is a potential client. Therefore, any contact details that you submit to us of a prospective client are considered a lead.
Worth noting:
- Families and couples are considered one lead (if you submit leads with the same surname they will be considered 1 lead)
- A lead is a lead that is entered for the first time over the age of 20 and resides in Australia
How are leads collected?
Upon displaying your van at one of the suggested sites, the van will have signage (removable signing) advising passers-by that it's on display, and the public is encouraged to stop inside and view. You will usually find that if they are interested in the product, they will ask questions (either to you, or through the digital kiosk we will have set up inside). From here, either yourself or our team from the kiosk can collect their contact details to send them more information. We also run promotions inside the displays (e.g. win a caravan, win a ...), we find a considerable number of potential future clients enter these promotions.
What happens to all the leads collected?
At the end of every day, it is expected that you forward a copy of a leads generated to our sales team - you keep a copy for your own verification. You can check on your leads through our online portal, if anything is sold and you are not notified within 3 working days, we will pay a 25% penalty on top of your regular commission.
Where are we going to display?
Through our partnerships and relationships with various organisations, the head office will make arrangements and pay fees for displays in available locations near you. These locations may include; shopping centres, caravan shows, special events, selected caravan parks, selected clubs (e.g. bowling, archery etc). Caravan displays can run for a weekend up to one month. You may leave the caravan on display overnight (if you feel it is safe) or bring it in every morning at your own discretion.
You may choose to display in shopping centres in your local area, or if you’re planning a trip around OZ, we can arrange bookings along your route. What better way to travel than to earn at the same time?
Who is doing the selling?
Selling a caravan is a process that can take several weeks. The process generally has a flow starting with initial client expectations and requirements, to manufacturing, and finally delivery and handover. It is not realistic to expect to finalise a sale upon initial meeting of a potential client. The core of our system hinges on assuming that clients don’t like to be rushed, and that they know what they want and they want to do their research before committing. This is why you are not expected to make sales from your position of showcasing the caravan, and it is instead up to our dedicated sales team to attempt to make sales.
What is the digital kiosk?
Our digital kiosk is our way of having our staff inside of a caravan without having to physically have them there. The kiosk consists of display screens, a camera and a microphone. This allows us to have a video feed into the caravan so that we can talk with the public and answer any questions that they may have, while also being able to show them photos of other stock and layouts on the screen.
What if I have a different brand caravan and still want to get involved?
It is essential that the caravan being displayed is a Goldstar RV caravan, therefore you can either purchase a new goldstar from us, purchase a used Goldstar privately or trade in your caravan.
Do I always need to be present with my caravan?
This is up to you, however the more time you spend with your van on display, the more leads and income you will generate, and may be more likely to generate a sale.
What if a client wants to buy here and now?
There will be cases where potential clients show eagerness to proceed with the purchase straight away (don't be surprised with our low prices). Please note, our system calls for sales to be completed online, rather than on the spot. It is therefore essential that you follow the system and pass on the lead in the regular method, so that our sales team can get in touch.
How many caravans can I display?
This is entirely up to you, however we suggest starting with one, and gauging the response and whether this is a good arrangement for you. From here, if you would like to add more caravans to your fleet, lets talk!
Minimum display requirements?
To ensure continuity, at least 21 days of display are required for every 3 month period.
What if this doesn’t work for me?
This concept is not a get rich overnight scheme, but you can rest assured that if you follow the well-developed concept and you have a reasonable and modest expectation, along with a good work ethic, then your success is virtually guaranteed.
In fact, we are so certain of the positive results, we are willing to offer full refund of your initial investment (provided you purchased a brand new Goldstar RV caravan directly from our factory in the past 6 months, and you have adhered to the agreed requirements), should you feel it’s not meeting your expectations.
How can I be more involved?
Like every business, the more effort the better the results and rewards. We offer guidance on promotional concepts that can help you generate more leads and consequently more sales. Please drop us a line through our contact page to find out more.